Policenauts English Patch is Out!


The fan made English translation patch of Hideo Kojima’s Japan only, multiplatform classic Policenauts has finally been released. The patch was the labour of love by the kids over at Policenauts.net, and it has literally been years in the making. I have never played this game (as I do not speak Japanese), but Policenauts is often refered to as the spiritual successor to one of my favorite games of all time, Kojima’s cyberpunk masterpiece Snatcher.

I am not privy to the story of Policenauts, as I have been saving the experience. I, like many others, have been eagerly anticipating the release of this patch. and want to experience the game without any preconceived details of the plot and story.

I encourage all die-hard Kojima fans to head over to Policenauts.net and download this patch. The patch is going to be for the PlayStation version of the game. I’ll tell you, this game is going to become top priority for me as soon as the big move is complete. Speaking of which…

In site news, I will be back to regular updates in the coming weeks, as my wife and I take possession of our new house this Thursday at 12 noon. I will be detailing the set up of my new game room (which I have reserved in a cozy spare bedroom in the basement). Once we are all settled and not living out of boxes anymore, I will once again have some more spare time to dedicate to more features and reviews. I have acquired a lot of cool stuff over the past month that I have put off on posting due to packing and such, which has become a major time thief as of late. One pick-up that I am dying to detail is a beautiful Commodore Amiga score that I am still reeling from, but all in good time. Later!

A Goddamn Tragedy


Like most serious video game collectors with an internet connection (are there any that don’t?), I love watching videos about video game collecting. If you have done any digging for these videos at all on YouTube, than you have probably come across a guy by the name of LukeMorse1. Luke is an American who works and lives in Japan. He is also a fanatical video game collector. When I say fanatical, I mean absolutely balls-out fucking hardcore. This guys owns at least 50 consoles, with multiples of each, three arcade cabinets, dozens of arcade boards, and so many games stacked in rubbermaid containers filling his tiny game room to the max that I don’t think even he knows how many he has anymore.

For the last 9 or so months this guy has been putting up an average of 3 video videos per day (!). Everything from game play videos, console fixing tutorials, and adventures to local Japanese video game shops. He documents every spending spree and soldiering job he has done for the sake of his hobby. I found his videos around the time he started putting them up and immediately subscribed. It was simply amazing to see the bulk of his collection and how much care and love he put into his gaming. I always looked forward to his next video to see what he would show off this time and to let the shock wash over me seeing just what in the hell he would acquire next.

Continue reading “A Goddamn Tragedy”

Finds! (Kid Dracula!)


These are a couple from the recent pick ups that I am very pleased with. The first one is the sequel to one of my favorite games of all time. I am talking about Kid Dracula for the original Game Boy. You can go back to my review of the Famicom Kid Dracula for a more thorough history lesson on the franchise. In a nutshell, the two Kid Dracula games are a super deformed spin-off of the Castlevania games. There are both incredible plat-forming games, and even though the Game Boy title is supposed to be a sequel, from what I have played so far it seems more like a remix of the first game. That is not a knock on the game, because it’s pretty good, and seen as how us English speaking folk never got the original for Nintendo I guess we wouldn’t really know the difference.


The reason I never got this game earlier is because IT GOES FOR A FUCKING MINT. Like $80 – $100+ loose, and $300+ complete in the box. I found it for $9.99 at a local video game shop. I plan to play the shit out of it this week, as I am on vacation.


My next find was a copy of Rockman X2 for the Super Famicom, which was pretty cool because you don’t see many import games around these parts, and also because even though I am a huge fan of the original 6 Megaman games for the Nintendo Entertainment System and the 5 games for the original Game Boy. Hell, I even liked the first SNES X games and the PS1 sequels but I have never played X2 and X3 for SNES. Well now I have, and all I can say is “meh”. I’ll take part 2 for the NES any day.